Mowing your lawn is a common maintenance task that keeps the grass healthy, looking great, and at an ideal height. On the other hand, it's also a tedious chore that becomes more of a hassle than anything. Fortunately, you can put your lawn mower away for good and save yourself the work by hiring professionals to do it for you! Once you sign up for a mowing program, they'll put you on a schedule tailored to the lawns in North Carolina and handle the rest; not only will they mow your grass, but they'll typically also string-trim, edge, and blow debris off of your hardscapes! You can also rest easy knowing your turf is in good hands with pros, as they'll follow proper mowing techniques to avoid harming the grass. That way, you can sit back and reap the rewards of a manicured lawn without lifting a finger!

Once You Sign Up for a Lawn Mowing Program, Pros Will Handle the Rest

Ideal professional mowing a client's lawn in Greensboro, NC.

Hiring professionals to mow your lawn takes the hassle of doing it yourself off your hands. After all, they'll handle everything once you sign up for a lawn mowing program, putting your turf on a regular maintenance schedule tailored to the growth patterns of the grass in our area and following it without question. Gone are the days of scheduling and rescheduling mows! With pros, your grass will look great all year without you having to think about it.

Pros usually perform weekly mowing during the growing season, from March until November, then switch to bi-weekly during the off-season.

A professional lawn mowing company will usually perform other services besides just cutting the grass.

While cutting the grass is the main objective, there's more to a lawn mowing program than just that. Usually, a professional company will perform other services, including:

  • String-trimming around hard-to-reach areas to ensure all the grass is the same height.
  • Edging along hard surfaces, like the driveway and sidewalk, and landscape beds for a sharp, clean-cut appearance.
  • Blowing debris off your hardscapes to keep everything neat and clean.

Professional Lawn Maintenance Teams Will Follow Proper Mowing Techniques to Avoid Harming Your Grass

Mowed and maintained lawn in Lewisville, NC.

Professional lawn maintenance teams cut lawns for a living. So, you can trust that they'll follow proper mowing techniques to avoid harming your grass. For example, they'll adjust the height of the mower according to the kind of grass you have; this ensures it's cut to the optimal length for that specific type. They'll also rotate mowing patterns each visit to avoid causing ruts on your lawn and to prevent the grass from leaning in one direction. Pros won't just cut the grass, but they'll do so correctly to keep it healthy and beautiful.

One of the most common turf types here in North Carolina is tall fescue, which needs to stay at a length of 3.5-4 inches.

Looking for professionals to cut your grass? Sign up for our lawn mowing service!

If you're looking for professionals to cut your grass, you've come to the right place! Here at Ideal Landscaping & Irrigation, we've been providing our top-quality lawn mowing service for 23 years, and you can trust that we'll keep your grass manicured and pristine all year. What's more, we offer lawn mowing with our full-service landscape maintenance program, which also comes with fertilization, weed control, plant trimming and pruning, and much more! Not only will we care for and maintain your lawn, but the rest of your landscape too!

We offer our lawn mowing service to residential, commercial, and HOA property owners in Greensboro, Winston-Salem, Summerfield, and other nearby areas in North Carolina. Call us at (336) 396-9191 to sign up!