Grub season has arrived here in North Carolina, which means it’s time to be on the lookout for these pesky lawn insects. Grubs are the larvae of certain types of beetles and are notorious for their ability to wreak havoc on lawns. They feed on the roots of your grass, causing brown patches, your turf to feel spongey when you walk on it, and it lifting like a carpet. If you suspect a grub infestation, it’s crucial to contact a lawn care professional right away to diagnose the issue and provide a curative treatment to eliminate it and prevent further damage. However, if they've infested this year, they'll likely be back next year. Because of this, you'll want to invest in preventative grub control treatments in early spring to keep them from causing problems again.

What are grubs, and what damage do they cause to your lawn?

Grubs are the larval stage of various beetles and are small, C-shaped insects that feed on the roots of your grass. As they munch on the roots, they cause patches of dead, brown turf that can be easily lifted like a carpet. Another sign of a grub infestation is when your lawn feels spongey when you walk on it, as they leave it untethered to the soil. The damage caused by grubs can lead to unhealthy and unsightly grass, plus make it vulnerable to other issues.

What should you do if your lawn shows signs of a grub infestation?

If you start to notice signs of grub damage on your lawn, it's time to take action and contact a lawn care professional as soon as possible. They have the experience and knowledge to assess the extent of the infestation and apply highly effective curative treatments. These treatments target the grubs directly and work to eliminate them from your lawn so that they don't cause any more damage.

Once the grub infestation has been eradicated, you'll want to help your lawn recover from damage with services like fertilization, aeration, and overseeding.

How can you prevent a grub infestation in the future?

Dealing with grubs this year doesn't mean you're free from their presence next year. Grubs have a life cycle, and if they were present on your lawn this season, they'll likely return in the future. To prevent another infestation, you should take proactive steps by signing up for preventative grub control treatments in the early spring. These treatments seep into the soil and create a barrier at the root zone that kills any newly hatched grubs trying to make a meal out of your turf's roots. Additionally, early spring will ensure the product has enough time to establish in the soil before these pests become most active. By taking preventative action, you're staying one step ahead and safeguarding your lawn from potential damage.

Give us a call today to schedule our grub control service.

At Ideal Landscaping & Irrigation, we provide our grub control service as an add-on to our full-service landscape maintenance program, which is available to residential and commercial properties, as well as HOAs, in Greensboro, NC, and surrounding areas like Winston-Salem and Summerfield. Whether you’re dealing with a current grub infestation and need a curative treatment or want to safeguard your lawn with a preventative treatment, you can trust that we are the ones for the job and will do whatever it takes to ensure these pests don't get the upper hand. We’ve proudly served local property owners since 1999, and we would love to add you to our long list of satisfied clients. Give us a call today at (336) 396-9191 to schedule our grub control service and fortify your lawn from these bothersome pests!